with local service by:
call 516-983-0861
Tour ID 472200, MLS 3580000, Address: 4 Arborvitae Lane
Your tour links and other online tools for posting to websites are listed below.
Link Type Image Link Address/HTML Code Uses
Branded Tour Link NA https://my.homediary.com/472200 Website, emails, offline marketing
Unbranded Tour Link (less restrictive) NA https://my.homediary.com/u/472200 Accepted by most MLSs, emails to other agents
Unbranded Tour Link (IDX compliant) NA https://my.homediary.com/r/472200 MLSs requiring restrictive tours
HTML Code with Text display of Property Virtual Tour! NA <a target="_blank" href="https://my.homediary.com/472200">Property Virtual Tour!</a> Websites with custom link capabilities-just change display text (in bold) to customize for your text
Embeddable (iFrame) HTML Code for Tour <!--start -->
<iframe name="tour" src="https://my.homediary.com/472200" frameborder="1" width="1024" height="635"></iframe>
<!-- end -->
Websites like eBay, blog sites, your web pages where you want to feature the tour. Will not work on CraigsList.
Embeddable (iFrame) HTML Code for Flyer <!--start -->
<iframe name="flyer" src="https://vifp.com//preview_flyer.php?order_id=472200&ispres=1" frameborder="1" width="750" height="935"></iframe>
<!-- end -->
Websites like eBay, blog sites, your web pages where you want to feature the flyer vs the tour. Will not work on CraigsList.
Listing Widget
<!--start -->
<div style="background-image: url('https://vifp.com/images/widget_frame.png'); width: 132px; height: 102px; cursor: pointer" onclick="window.open('https://my.homediary.com/472200');" > <div style="background-image: url('https://vifp.com/get_widget_photo.php?w_oid=472200'); width: 83px; height: 63px; position: relative; left: 24px; top: 8px;"> </div>
<!-- end -->
Websites like eBay, blog sites, your web pages where you want to feature the tour. Will not work on CraigsList.
Embeddable Tour Widget
Click to Launch Embeddable Tour Configuration Page. Embed the tour in your site, either as a button or inline with your content.
For sales or local service inquires, please call us at Phone: 516-983-0861 or visit .
For technical support or billing issues, please call FloorPlanOnline care at 206-384-4400, option 3,
email at orders@floorplanonline.com or visit us at FloorPlanOnline.com/support
version 2.00